Centrelink eServices Consent

As a customer of Bridge Housing we need to know and confirm some of your details held by Services Australia (the agency). The eServices are designed to make paying your rent simpler and easier. 

Centrelink Confirmation eServices is an electronic system that lets you choose to have your Centrelink details confirmed with Bridge Housing directly. 

We have been approved by the agency to provide these services. Bridge Housing must comply with strict guidelines around who accesses the information and how the information is collected and stored. 

Who is eligible to use these Centrelink eServices? 

Customers who are receiving Commonwealth Rent Assistance or paying rent using Centrepay can authorise us and the agency to exchange information. 

What services are available? 

There are three main eServices offered by Centrelink to make paying your rent simpler and easier: 

 1. Electronic Verification of Rent (EVoR) 

EVoR is a secure, automated process which lets us send your rent details to the agency electronically. This saves you having to personally complete a Rent Certificate or tell Services Australia (the agency) every time you’re rent changes. 

How does it work? 

Each time there is a change in your rent, the new rent amount will be updated with the agency electronically. 

What details will we send to the agency? 

We will advise the agency of: 

  • the address of the property you are renting 

  • the date you moved in •the amount of rent you pay, and 

  • the date you started paying the rental amount. 

  • the total amount of rent paid to CHL for the premises 

  • Whether or not the customer resides in a premises shared with others 

How will the information be used? 

The information will be used by the agency to assess your eligibility for Commonwealth Rent Assistance. 

2. Centrelink Income Confirmation 

Income Confirmation is a service where you can authorise the agency to provide or confirm your Centrelink details directly to us. This saves you having to obtain the details from Centrelink yourself to provide to us. 

How does it work? 

If you wish to use Income Confirmation, the agency will send your income details electronically to us so we can assess your eligibility for services. Only information that we need to know will be provided by the agency. This may include: 

  • the type of pension or payment, and the amount and date paid 

  • amounts being deducted from your Centrelink payments (for example Child Support , Easypay or Centrepay), and

  • details of any other income you have told the agency about. 

What if some household members choose not to participate in Income Confirmation, or don’t receive Centrelink payments? 

Household members who don’t or can’t participate in Income Confirmation will be required to provide proof of their income. This means if they receive a Centrelink payment they will have to contact the agency and request an income statement to be sent to us. If they do not receive Centrelink payments, they will need to provide other details of their income, for example, wage slips. It remains the applicant or tenant’s responsibility to make sure income details of all household members are available when required. 

How will the information be used? 

The information will be used by us to assess your entitlement to services we provide such as reduced rent and ongoing eligibility for housing assistance based on our policy. 

3. Centrepay 

Centrepay is a voluntary, free direct bill-paying service. You can choose to have your rent amount deducted from your Centrelink payments and paid directly to us. Each fortnight the balance of your Centrelink payments are made into your nominated bank account as it would be normally. 

How does it work? 

You will need to complete a Centrepay Deduction Form and send it to Centrelink. We can submit a completed form once you have given us permission. If your rent amount changes, we will contact the agency and tell them of your new rent payable and Centrelink will update your payments to Bridge Housing. 

What details are exchanged? 

We will tell the agency: 

  • to change your existing Centrepay deduction, target amount or suspend the nominated deduction from time to time to ensure your housing payments are met, 

  • and of your correct account or billing number if required. 

How will the information be used? 

The information will be used to ensure the correct amount of rent is being deducted. If you nominate to pay extra, the specified amount will be deducted for the period nominated by you. 

Why use these services? 

  • These are free services. 

  • You will save time by not having to phone or pick up an income statement or Rent Certificate. 

  • It is easy and convenient because we will contact the agency on your behalf. 

What do I do if I want to stop one or all of the services? 

You can cancel one or all of the services at any time by contacting us or the agency. If you stop using any of these services you will be required to submit proof of your eligibility for a rent subsidy, including household income details directly to us and the agency. If you would like more information visit www.servicesaustralia.gov.au

Authorisation - Multiple Consent and Authority

You must clearly indicate each service you wish for this customer consent to be applied.

Electronic Verification of Rent (EVoR)

I authorise: 

  • Bridge Housing Ltd to collect and use my current and future accommodation information and provide it to Services Australia (the agency) for reassessment of my eligibility for Commonwealth Rent Assistance. 

I understand that: 

  • Information collected and used by Bridge Housing Ltd and provided to the agency may include my Customer Reference Number, family name, given name, date of birth, address, household rent, individual rent, and relationship status. 

  • every time Bridge Housing Ltd provides information to the agency, I will be advised in writing. 

  • I must contact the agency myself if: 

            ▪ I change my address 

            ▪ my relationship status changes 

            ▪ I start or stop sharing my accommodation with someone else 

            ▪ I purchase or sell any real estate

Income Confirmation

I authorise: 

  • Bridge Housing Ltd to use Centrelink Confirmation eServices to perform a Centrelink/DVA enquiry of my Centrelink/DVA income, asset and payment details to enable the Business to determine if I qualify for a concession, rebate or service.

  • the agency to provide the results of that enquiry to Bridge Housing Ltd. 

I understand that: 

  • the agency will use information I have provided to the Bridge Housing Ltd to confirm my eligibility for concession, rebate or service and will disclose to the Bridge Housing Ltd my personal information including my name/address/payment type/payment status/income/assets/concession card status/one-off payment/deductions/shared care arrangements/partner status/Youth Allowance Independent rate. 

  • I can obtain proof of my circumstances/details from the agency and provide it to Bridge Housing Ltd so that my eligibility for concession, rebate or service can be determined. 

  • if I withdraw my consent or do not alternatively provide proof of my circumstances/details, I may not be eligible for the concession, rebate or service provided by Bridge Housing Ltd


I authorise Bridge Housing Ltd to advise the agency:

  • to change my existing Centrepay deduction, target amount or suspend the nominated deduction from time to time to ensure my housing payments are met, and

  • of my correct account or billing number if required.

I authorise the agency to:

  • provide information for the purpose of reconciling my payment deduction details.

I acknowledge:

  • I can cancel my Centrepay deduction at any time. This will remove my consent from Bridge Housing Ltd and the Business cannot set up any deductions until I provide new authorisation (via a deduction form, online, or in person)

  • If I cancel my Centrepay deduction, I will be required to make alternative arrangements to pay my rent if I am continuing my rental agreement with Bridge Housing Ltd or if I have rent owing.

All Services

I understand that: 

  • this consent, once signed, is effective for the service/s indicated, and only for the period that I am a Customer of Bridge Housing Ltd. 

  • consent for EVoR and Income Confirmation, which is ongoing, may be withdrawn by me, at any time, by giving notice in writing to Bridge Housing Ltd or by contacting the agency 

  • can contact the agency to cancel my Centrepay deduction at any time, however, I will be required to make alternative arrangements to pay my rent including any rent owing 

  • if I cancel my Centrepay deduction, I will be required to give new consent before Bridge Housing Ltd can restart a deduction 

  •  every time that Bridge Housing Ltd provides information to the agency for EVoR and/or Centrepay, I will be advised

  • Bridge Housing Ltd will maintain a record of my consent for a minimum of two years from the date I cease to be a Customer of the Business 

  • if I withdraw part or all of this consent in relation to Electronic Verification of Rent that I will be responsible for notifying the agency of all future changes to my accommodation circumstances 

  • I will be able to obtain a written copy of the income statements the agency provides to the Business at any time from either the department or Bridge Housing Ltd 

  • I must tell the agency if: 

            ▪ I change my address 

            ▪ my relationship status changes 

            ▪ I start or stop sharing my accommodation with anyone else

            ▪ I purchase or sell any real estate.


Bridge Housing's Privacy Policy describes how personal information about you is collected, stored, shared to external parties and discarded in accordance with the NSW Privacy Act 1998.