Consent to Disclose

By filling out this form you are allowing Bridge Housing to contact the nominated people about your tenancy under the conditions described below. 



Give Permission - Contact

relationship to you

Give Permission - Referrals

Revoke Permission

Under The Following Conditions

Under the following conditions:

  • In connection with my tenancy 

  • When I cannot be reached by phone and it is urgent that I am contacted for reasons to do with my tenancy 

  • When I have been contacted but staff are concerned about my response and have let me know this 

  • When staff are concerned about a breach of my tenancy agreement and the above person/people may be able to help me stop the problem getting worse 

  • When action has been taken or is likely to be taken to terminate my tenancy and the above person/people may be able to help me keep my home 

  • Any other reasons - please list below:

I understand that only matters relevant to sorting out the immediate problem will be discussed when I am not present. 

I understand that I can withdraw my permission at any time by selecting 'I revoke permission for Bridge Housing staff to contact the following people' above. 

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Bridge Housing's Privacy Policy describes how personal information about you is collected, stored, shared to external parties and discarded in accordance with the NSW Privacy Act 1998.